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SMT topics in focus



SIPLACE TX Micron – Ready for next generation high density Heterogenous Integration

Built on the highly successful SIPLACE TX Micron, the newest generation brings more performance and features to overcome new challenges in Heterogeneous Integration.

With the advent of the data age, demand for connectivity on the go is expanding exponentially. With 5G technology set to change how people and machines interact; mobile networking, automotive, IoT and many other industries are set to capitalize on this new technology and grow to greater heights.

This growing trend is driving the packaging industry towards heterogenous integration by packaging more dies and passives into Systems-in-Package (SiPs) with the aim of enhancing performance and functionality within shrinking package sizes in both area and thickness.

As chip companies strive to reduce size of the final package, designers are packing in dies and passives at reducing spacing between components which brings along new challenges in the manufacturing process such as,

  • Faster mounting speed due to the increasing number of dies and passive in the package
  • Higher equipment accuracy to place components with spacing less than 50um.
  • Handling of fragile dies and the detection of damaged component prior to mounting.

To tackle these new challenges. ASM has further developed and built upon on the highly successful SIPLACE TX Micron. The new version of the SIPLACE TX Micron can:

  • Achieve a higher placement capability up to 98,000 components per hour at the same accuracy of 15 μm @ 3σ.
  • With an advancement in new software, the TX Micron V2 is able to autonomously analyze component layout and avoid shadow placement issues all while maintaining a high level of throughput.
  • Handle fragile dies and components using Programmable low placement force (0.5 N) and “Enhanced Touchless Placement” mode enables soft placement of these sensitive components.

In addition, new features to implement detection of chipped and cracked dies ensure defective components can be screened off and not assembled on the final product.

With new enhancements, the latest SIPLACE TX micron has again raised the bar in high volume production of SIPs. It is now more than capable to meet the challenges of high density heterogenous integration for now and the future.

For more information, or to witness the capabilities of the SIPLACE TX micron, do book a remote demo with us.

Best-in-class solutions

As the industry’s technology leader, ASMPT offers a broad portfolio of best-in-class products. Our solutions stand out with their perfect interaction of hardware, software and service components – powerful, smart, and ready to raise your production to a new level.

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