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SMT topics in focus

ASMPT Webshop: your one stop shop for ASMPT spare parts


Quick and reliable shopping experience @ ASMPT

Buying spare parts sounds simple, but it always involves many parties, from the engineers at the shop floor, to procurement, to finance etc. With ASMPT Webshop, quotations can be generated immediately, you can order directly referring to the quote, the shipments can be tracked - the process is simplified and quick.

For quite some time, ASMPT has offered customers the option to order parts and consumables online via the ASMPT Webshop. It is a very convenient and easy to use tool that will help you streamline your procurement and purchasing processes.

It can also be used as a lookup function to identify the many ASMPT parts easily.

The benefits of using ASMPT Webshop includes:

  1. Simple identification of parts in the complete ASMPT SMT Portfolio
  2. Readily review detailed information about parts, including its stock availability and prices
  3. Create quotes and submit orders to ASMPT SMT, instantly
  4. Send warranty requests easily at the click of a button
  5. Easy and user-friendly interface
  6. Quick glance of order history for easy reordering
  7. Fast access to shipment tracking information

Thus, ordering of parts and consumables has become very convenient now.

ASMPT WebShop is constantly evolving to offer better user experience. More features will be introduced gradually, such as providing 2D and 3D parts catalogue.

So, if you have not already requested access to the ASMPT Webshop, don’t hesitate and enjoy the ease and convenience of parts ordering with ASMPT Webshop!

For more information or questions, please do not hesitate to contact us:

Best-in-class solutions

As the industry’s technology leader, ASMPT offers a broad portfolio of best-in-class products. Our solutions stand out with their perfect interaction of hardware, software and service components – powerful, smart, and ready to raise your production to a new level.

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