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SMT topics in focus


SMT topics in focus

ASM’s 1st participation in Online Productronica India


ASM, alongside others, participated in Productronica tradeshow in India

Held on 9 – 11 December 2020, ASM participated in the online Productronica India trade show. Due to the pandemic, Productronica India was held on a digital platform, and it allowed a greater number of visitors to visit the Tradeshow, with just a click of the mouse. During the show, ASM showcased the innovative SMT solutions (hardware and software) that seamlessly integrates to form an integrated smart factory, enabling electronics manufacturers to achieve improved efficiency to their electronics production, yet with reduced manpower, just as how the current pandemic situation plays out the scene at the factory floor.

Productronica India was held in an online manner for the 1st time this year, and it is also the 1st for ASM, to be participating in an online Show for the India market region.

During the 3 days, ASM displayed the various SMT solutions such as the latest generation of the SIPLACE SX placement platform, the latest printing DEK TQ, suited for the smart factory and the latest ASM Works – the software suite for an integrated and seamless data transfer at the factory production.

ASM also had a live product presentation on 9 Dec, where our ASM Expert dived in-depth on how the various ASM SMT solutions come together, how the data is transferred so you can create your very own smart factory with ASM.

ASM is pleased for this opportunity to engage with our customers! But nothing beats meeting up with our prospects and customers, sharing our innovations and attending to their queries, feeling the warmth in a face-to-face meet up. We look forward to the time where we can meet you in person one day.

For more information about the online Productronica India, you may contact us at

Best-in-class solutions

As the industry’s technology leader, ASMPT offers a broad portfolio of best-in-class products. Our solutions stand out with their perfect interaction of hardware, software and service components – powerful, smart, and ready to raise your production to a new level.

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