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SMT topics in focus


SMT topics in focus

The digital transformation has many faces


The digital transformation paves the way for Industry 4.0

The digital transformation has many faces. In electronics manufacturing, the focus is frequently on Industry 4.0 or the ‘integrated smart factory’, as we call it. You don’t have to be visionary to realize that the factors by which suppliers in our industry will continue to be measured in 2023 are M2M and M2H communication, the networking of enterprise solutions, the use of artificial intelligence or natural language processing, and most of all the convergence of hardware and software on the basis of open standards.

The desire for automation will prevail above all. For far too long, proprietary systems, rigid production processes and restrictions regarding the degree and speed of automation have restricted the financial and technical latitude for electronics manufacturers. The road to the integrated smart factory is still an obstacle course, which is why it was time for us to break up these dependencies.

With Open Automation, we have presented an intelligent and practical concept that allows our customers to implement automation in an individual, modular and step-by-step manner that also includes third-party equipment and retrofit solutions. In doing so, we have put our understanding of freedom and independence into practice. For quite some time, we have been investing into the development of best-in-class machines as well as of line management software that improves productivity and efficiency. In the SMT field, for example, we offer the smart management suite WORKS for seamless connectivity on the shop floor. And in the coming years we will work with our partners to close the last remaining gaps between the line and enterprise levels with a comprehensive software offering. The path to Industry 4.0 is thus clear.

The developments in our industry segment have also led to a different kind of transformation for our company. The transition of ASMPT to a holistic provider of software, hardware and services became even more apparent in August of 2022 with our global rebranding. All business units, regions and segments are united as ONE company under the same brand: ASMPT. As you can see, the digital transformation has many faces, but it always speaks the same language.

Best-in-class solutions

As the industry’s technology leader, ASMPT offers a broad portfolio of best-in-class products. Our solutions stand out with their perfect interaction of hardware, software and service components – powerful, smart, and ready to raise your production to a new level.

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