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SMT topics in focus

Next generation shopfloor management solution - ASM Works


We are ready and resilient! With our next generation shopfloor management solution - ASM Works

With ASM Works, customers can now easily access to important modules of KPI which cover the key areas such as Planning, Material Management, Preparation, Production, Process Optimization, Factory Monitoring, Traceability and Factory Integration.

Following our advancement in Digitalization, we introduce a whole new generation of shopfloor management solution – ASM Works. ASM have bundled the company's award-winning software solutions in a powerful entry-level package. With ASM Works, you can now start building the software infrastructure for smart, integrated electronics production with a single package and without having to worry about interfaces, compatibilities and data transfers.

The basic package can be enhanced with smart upgrade modules designed to optimize specific processes in electronics production. This basic block is further enhanced with 8 upgrade modules to easily step up customers’ needs for Industry 4.0, and developing an integrated smart factory of their own.

The modules include:

  • Planning, which allows customers to easily plan with an automated tool that can perform the expert clustering and optimization of production steps while ensuring production orders complete on-time
  • Material Management providing customer with a comprehensive material logistics solution bundled with our automated storage system like SMD Material Tower
  • Preparation which improves the product changeover process making material preparation intelligent via material re-use capability to ensure preparation with less effort
  • Tackling the exact issues faced during Production, the use of smart devices to intelligently guide the operators to issues and refill online and encouraging an operator pool concept
  • Process Optimization where customer can take one step closer to auto-correction processes for printing excellence. Our solution allows automatic corrects done during the print process to ensure consistent print quality
  • Factory Monitoring providing real-time update for factory status with detailed machine drill-down information and KPI targeted reporting.
  • Traceability allowing detailed component level traceability information to easily trace what component was placed on what products
  • Factory Integration that opens the interfacing of our products for customer to connect. The big data generated during production are channeled to allow easy access by customer or 3rd party solutions

ASM Works provides customers with:

  • Consistent connectivity and communication
  • A centralized shop floor management (orders, setups, monitoring, remote maintenance etc)
  • Easy software upgrades

At ASM, we design factory solutions that simply, works!

For more information about ASM Works, you can read our brochure, or please contact us:

Best-in-class solutions

As the industry’s technology leader, ASMPT offers a broad portfolio of best-in-class products. Our solutions stand out with their perfect interaction of hardware, software and service components – powerful, smart, and ready to raise your production to a new level.

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