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SMT topics in focus


SMT topics in focus

Panel discussion at SMTconnect


Sustainability: We are already taking the first steps - but there is still a lot to do for the electronics industry

Yesterday, Josef Ernst, our SMT Solutions CEO, had the opportunity to take part in a panel discussion organised by Petra Gottwald from productronic on the topic of sustainability at SMTconnect – Solutions for Electronic Assemblies and Systems. It became clear that we are all at the beginning of this important topic and that there is still a lot to do together. #ASMPT has set itself the goal of being CO2 neutral by 2035 and as a team we will do everything we can to achieve this goal.

All participants, Anton Shmatko from MTM Ruhrzinn GmbH, Thomas Kolossa from Stannol GmbH & Co. KG and Freddy Weber from Elektrotechnik Weber Bayern and Josef Ernst agreed that all market participants must pull together. Here, the guidelines that the VDMA will soon publish are seen as a welcome basis. It is also very clear: this applies to the entire supply chain and it is not enough to wait for government regulations. Companies in the electronics market must actively and jointly take the first steps to protect our environment.

Josef Ernst brought concrete examples for ASMPT: "Sustainability at ASMPT starts with the following points: We reduce CO2 emissions, optimise energy consumption in electronics production, help to avoid waste with innovative solutions and produce our machines sustainably. But this can only be done together with our customers and suppliers. Only together can we define the right focus areas."
ASMPT will continue to use its innovations and technologies to produce more sustainably, while working closely with our customers and partners to address the issue of sustainability and take serious steps in the right direction.

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