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SMT topics in focus


SMT topics in focus

Rotated View of Station GUI for both operation sides


What you see is What you Get !

With the latest version of the station software 20-1, the conveying direction in the station GUI corresponds to the actual PCB flow direction of the machine.

The conveyor direction in the station GUI has been altered to now match the machine side from where the station GUI is accessed from. For example, if the station GUI is accessed from the right side (conveyor direction from left to right), the layout of the views in the station GUI also reflects a conveyor direction from left to right.

Advantages of the rotated view of Station GUI:

  • Improves usability for you - the operators and engineers working with the machines
  • Reduces the training efforts for new operators being assigned to the line
  • Offers a more realistic view of the line from the front

Now it is so easier to relate to the line.

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