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SMT topics in focus



Passive clinching directly on the line

NEW: Clinching solution for uncomplicated and cost-efficient THT placement

"Odd Shaped Components" (OSC), which have to be clinched on the underside of the boards using the through-hole process (THT), are particularly complex to assemble. Electronics manufacturers often have to resort to expensive special machines outside the SMT line or manual work with personnel expenditure. ASM now provides a clinching solution for the SIPLACE SX placement platform to integrate these processes directly into the SMT line in an uncomplicated and cost-effective manner.

Due to their relatively thin leads, THT components such as relays or capacitors must be clinched before soldering underneath the boards. Until now, this has usually been done with special machines. This process offers flexible application possibilities but is slow. This is one of the reasons why these machines are usually placed outside the line, in order not to reduce line efficiency unnecessarily.

With the development of a passive clinching tool that can be integrated directly into the highly flexible SIPLACE SX placement solution, ASM is now bringing the processing of THT components to be clinched directly into the line. The result: PCB assembly is seamless and uninterrupted, unnecessary paths and machines are eliminated and the overall speed of the line remains high. The tool itself is quick and easy to install and remove and, with its few moving parts, requires hardly any maintenance. This makes the production process faster, more flexible and more cost-efficient overall.

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